Employer Workshops

Change the narrative

It is estimated that 24.5 million people in the (UK) 54% of the population have gambled.

The North West and North East have the highest prevalence of gambling harm.

In 2020 YouGov reported that 7% of the UK population have been affected by someone who has a gambling addiction.

These figures are alarming and demonstrate a clear need for change.

To create a better and more stable economy by educating the workforce and wider communities around the risks of gambling harm is essential.

Accredited workshops 

A 4-hour workshop delivered online or in person, dedicated to raising awareness, reducing stigma and providing you with the essential tools to appropriately support and guide an employee affected directly or indirectly by gambling harm. 

We will provide you with early intervention techniques and a suite of signposting and resources to ensure your staff do not become a statistic. 

Change the narrative

It is estimated that 24.5 million people in the (UK) 54% of the population have gambled.

The North West and North East have the highest prevalence of gambling harm.

In 2020 YouGov reported that 7% of the UK population have been affected by someone who has a gambling addiction.

These figures are alarming and demonstrate a clear need for change.

To create a better and more stable economy by educating the workforce and wider communities around the risks of gambling harm is essential.

Accredited workshops 

A 4-hour workshop delivered online or in person, dedicated to raising awareness, reducing stigma and providing you with the essential tools to appropriately support and guide an employee affected directly or indirectly by gambling harm. 

We will provide you with early intervention techniques and a suite of signposting and resources to ensure your staff do not become a statistic. 

Taking the next step

Our workshops are £65 inclusive of VAT.

Our workshops are delivered by lived experience practitioners who have first hand experience of gambling harm and the effects it has on the individual and affected others.

They provide you with a comprehensive overview of gambling harm. You will also receive a certification which is approved by an OFSTED rated provider. This will be to confirm your business is “positive about reducing gambling harm in the workplace”.

Book with us

We can deliver the workshops online and in person based on your preference and delegate numbers.

Please book a call with us today or reach out to learn more information about our workshops and support functions.